You should pay attention to the rhetoric that comes out of your mouth during the week. Anger sits with harm, as Ata said, you must be calm and not let the anger make you wrong. Otherwise, you can make the difficulties you experience more difficult as a result of your attitude and behavior. You can encounter the real faces of the people you trust as friends, and you can be emotionally injured in your hard day by acting by ignoring all the sacrifices you have made for them. Married ones, you can discuss with your spouse because of financial matters, you can learn a few things that they hide from you.
My advice to you is not to act without listening to the person before you learn the real thing. Those who are single, a very active week old lover in you can request a help from you and may want to get closer to you. Do not let your emotions come close to you. Cancellations on trips can be a problem in legal matters. You can deal with big problems in your family life.